Chemical Analysis

Your partner for metallographic chemical analysis

Chemical analysis is a primary method of identifying, verifying, and certifying materials. One of our major activities is chemical analysis of metal alloys. We routinely analize iron, seel, stainless steel, and aluminum alloys. We also analize tool steels, magnesium alloys, copper base alloys, nickel alloys, and other special purpose materials.

Analysis of cleaning, plating, and other process solutions to control composition and performance is one of our oldest routines. We also perform plating test, salt spray tests, bend tests, microscopic thickness measurements, coating weight determinations, water analysis and many other tests incidental to the cleaning and finishing of metals.

We can also analyze some corrosion products, contaminants, and other materials related to metals and metal processing.

Chemical analyses are made in our laboratory by gravimetric, volumetric, electro-analytical, and spectrometric procedures. We use ICP spectrometers. Carbon and sulfur in cast iron and steel are determined by combustion IR ad silicon is usually determined gravimetrically. We maintain standard samples of a large number of alloys to verify the accuracy of our procedures.

Our methods allow us to use samples of almost any physical form. Drillings or small pieces from the material are generally used for the analysis. The ideal sample for chemical analysis is probably a one inch cube, but many other forms will work. Most alloys require about 10 grams (1/2 ounce) for complete analysis, although some alloys can be identified with less than 0.1 gram of sample. Drilling from a 3/8 inch diameter and 3/8 inch deep hole generally provide a sufficient sample.

For solution analysis 1/4 to 1 liter or quart is usually required.